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"What's there to say? I'm studying French at BYU. I'll probably graduate eventually. I'm married to the most perfect fit for me God could have created (and you thought this wasn't possible). I love doing things with people."

Recent News

"I'm living in Utah, going to BYU... and severely missing France."


let's see if this thing works, eh? 03 October 2010 |

i'm tring to find an app for mobile blogging.

i mean, a long as i've got a smartphone, i might as well take advantage of it, non?

i've been wanting to do more blogging, and get some pictures posted, especially from france. (i mean, we only have several HUNDRED that we haven't posted yet...)

and so, a little test to see how well this works. if all goes well, we'll hopefully be seeing a lot more of this. :)

(this means little to nothing... mostly just to test the picture upload capability.)
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.2

something wrong... 22 September 2009 |

yesterday i was sitting on the roadside, waiting for whitney to come pick me up. i was just watching traffic, as i have a habit of doing -- and also to see when whitney came driving down the road.

i saw a strange sight as i waited.

normally, you would presuppose that if a person is on crutches, they aren't going to be riding a motorcycle... or that if they are on a motorcycle they won't need crutches (unless they're a bad driver... but they should never be doing the one at the same period of time as the other.)

this assumed, could somebody please explain to me what the motorcyclist i witnessed was doing with a pair of crutches sticking out of his backpack?

i'm back 08 September 2009 |

well... mostly anyway.

i am back in the states, and have been for the last 2 months or so.

i suppose i'm also back to blogging, though i never really left. of course, i don't suppose i was really ever terribly here to begin with.

i have loads of good intentions (and photos...) when it comes down to it... but that just makes for a mediocre blog.

what i really lack is initiative.

perhaps this is due to having too many classes/other things to deal with and think about. therefore, being too caught up in things that are important and matter, i get distracted from blogging.

this seems unlikely.

whatever it is, i'll try to get better and provide more meaningful content to the readership... which last i check is like 2 1/2 of y'all. ;)

i'm not dead... i promise 08 January 2009 |

i've just been posting to a different blog.

of course, this post is mostly useless, since i think everyone that reads it already knows about the other blog... but that's chill. i'm bored, i need things to do.

so... on the random chance that you have no idea: i'm in france. i'm teaching english. i have been since september. be back in july some time.

read about it here: greasygoat.blogspot.com


old glory 15 August 2008 |

from the achives: 5 May 2008

sometimes you see something that causes an unexpected reaction in you.

as i was in transit today, waiting for the light to change, a little old lady in her riding chair--she had to have been like 112 or something...-- anywho, she had a little basket of flowers on the back, and planted square in the middle of them was a little american flag, just a-dancin' in the breeze. it made me happy. just a little thing... a little reminder of how nifty this place is--most of the time anyway.

The Epic Journey |

and thus it begins...

i've got a little bit more time on my hands these days, and it only stands to reason i would use it in a highly productive manner.

as my dear friend jeremy (can i say that after one email correspondance with the guy?) said to me the other day, "...what's up with never updating your...[blog]??"

so i'm going to start posting, in no particular order, the things i've remembered and archived for the last, what... 8 months? maybe more.

good use of time, eh? :)

tee hee hee 22 July 2008 |

so... i log into my computer at the library to check ticket prices and whatnot for the upcoming voyage. it's not uncommon on byu campus for a random person to not log out of their gmail account or something... trusting the computer to do all that for them when they leave the computer.

silly people.

it just so happens that i stumbled upon a person who left their aim account open. naturally i couldn't let an opportunity like this pass me by... so i pick one of the online buddies to chat with. :)

wow... this was fun.

danielle (me) is friends with... someone? kaishaan or something like that was the screen name. anywho... we girl chatted for a bit, and she's totally going to disneyland for her birthday this weekend... flying down in her dad's plane! i'm so tatally jealous!

we had a nice moment... and i told her i had to go. but not before insisting she call me when she gets back so we can do something.

such a touching girlfriend moment.

really... she does! 11 June 2008 |

so, it was our 1 year anniversary of having known each other on saturday. not gonna lie, that was kinda exciting. it really doesn't seem like it's been only a year.

well, in celebration of this little fact, my adorable wife decided we needed to do something special. she wanted to go camping somewhere... but since i don't get off work until 10 on saturdays, she figured it was a bit late to actually go anywhere. (besides, we have no idea where one goes to camp in utah...) she sent me home from work, warning me i would need a flashlight, and went off to seek laundry.

so i get home, and notice nothing suspicious about the grounds. i wasn't supposed to beat her home, so i sat on the front porch and awaited her arrival.

when she gets home... she gets out her flashlight (2 million candle watt!) and announces we are lost in the wilderness...we have to find shelter for the night. we go on a walk around the block, seeking shelter--but everything we find it either not good enough protection from the elements, or bear-infested. :(

we finally find a nice little cave surrounded by very sheltery looking trees. we go in to see what we can find.

lo and behold... there was already a tent erected in the middle of the cave! and it came equipped with a cooler full of graham crackers, marshmallows and chocolate for s'mores. not just any though... cinnamon grahams, regular AND coconut covered marshmallows, and symphony bars!

yeah... so it was lots of fun, and extremely cute of my wife. i love her so much!

my wife loves me... 27 May 2008 |

or atleast until she finds out that i put this picture up... :)


life in provo 19 May 2008 |

so things are pretty calm for the moment.

we just moved in to a new little shack house, and it's fun being just the two of us. well... the 37 of us. there are some spiders that seem to think the basement is their domain--an idea we are trying to squelch.

i'm working a delivery job at night, and trying to find another one or two during the day, to save up some money for the fall.

can i just say i'm really excited for that. i've been wanting to get back for a long time now (as long as it can be, given i've only been home for 2 years). this is going to be such a great opportunity to learn, gain experience and play in europe. i am, needless to say, stoked.

Foot Notes

"Uhhh....Under Construction?"