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"What's there to say? I'm studying French at BYU. I'll probably graduate eventually. I'm married to the most perfect fit for me God could have created (and you thought this wasn't possible). I love doing things with people."

Recent News

"I'm living in Utah, going to BYU... and severely missing France."


i'm back

well... mostly anyway.

i am back in the states, and have been for the last 2 months or so.

i suppose i'm also back to blogging, though i never really left. of course, i don't suppose i was really ever terribly here to begin with.

i have loads of good intentions (and photos...) when it comes down to it... but that just makes for a mediocre blog.

what i really lack is initiative.

perhaps this is due to having too many classes/other things to deal with and think about. therefore, being too caught up in things that are important and matter, i get distracted from blogging.

this seems unlikely.

whatever it is, i'll try to get better and provide more meaningful content to the readership... which last i check is like 2 1/2 of y'all. ;)

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